Welcome to ICT Procurement LTD

About ICT Procurement LTD
ICT Procurement Ltd provides consultancy services relating to the procurement of ICT products and services. We provide expertise in public sector ICT procurement, with particular emphasis on case management software.

Our mission is to enable more effective and efficient procurement of complex ICT products and services for public bodies.

Why use a specialist?
Commodity products are straightforward to procure – attention needs to be given to the specification, the fitness for purpose and the price, but most organisations will be comfortable buying standard, off-the-shelf products.

Specialist ICT products and services – such as case management software – demand considerable levels of domain knowledge. Typically, an organisation might only procure a specific type of software system once every 10+ years. This means that it can be difficult to acquire and retain the necessary domain expertise in-house.

Our Services
Procurement that works
Read about our services
Our mission
Goals and motivation
Read more about our mission
About us
ICT Procurement LTD
Read more about us
Our Mission
We think & deliver
Software procurement is a challenging craft. Each discipline (e.g. Social Care, Finance, Education Management etc) requires its own domain knowledge. Vendors are experts in their respective fields, while Council procurement leads have to be able to work across multiple specialisms. The result can be a mismatch.

Our mission is to redress the balance, building a standard protocol for procuring complex software systems which:

  • shares intelligence and best practice across Local Government
  • provides a knowledge repository which can build over time
  • strengthens the customer’s negotiating position

Specialist ICT Procurement
Our mission is to enable more effective and efficient procurement of complex ICT products and services for public bodies.
We are focused on:

  • Providing brief, tightly focused interventions – including free advice
  • More structured work – such as helping to write a Statement of Requirements or design an evaluation process to achieve specific objectives
  • Capturing the learning from each intervention and disseminating it to the local government community

Our medium-term objective is the development of a protocol for procuring complex software, owned by local authorities, which reduces both procurement risk and project risk through consistent, rational processes.

We are always happy to discuss your case management procurements and offer informal advice, at no charge. Sometimes all you need is a specialist to sanity check your approach.

Some examples of chargeable services are listed below:

  • Creating the Statement of Requirements – workshopping requirements with stakeholders to arrive at an agreed SoR
  • Reviewing an existing SoR – you may have done the work, but recognise that a domain expert may be able to identify risks which wouldn’t be obvious to a generalist
  • Reviewing the evaluation model – to mitigate vendor dishonesty and balance price with quality effectively

We will always treat our work with you as confidential. We request permission to produce case study materials as part of our mission to improve the procurement methodology for software systems in local government. Any such case studies would be subject to customer approval


Please call on 07858 081556 to discuss your specific requirements.