Our mission is to enable more effective and efficient procurement of complex ICT products and services for public bodies.
Our mission is to enable more effective and efficient procurement of complex ICT products and services for public bodies.
Specialist ICT products and services – such as case management software – demand considerable levels of domain knowledge. Typically, an organisation might only procure a specific type of software system once every 10+ years. This means that it can be difficult to acquire and retain the necessary domain expertise in-house.
Our mission is to redress the balance, building a standard protocol for procuring complex software systems which:
Our medium-term objective is the development of a protocol for procuring complex software, owned by local authorities, which reduces both procurement risk and project risk through consistent, rational processes.
We are always happy to discuss your case management procurements and offer informal advice, at no charge. Sometimes all you need is a specialist to sanity check your approach.
Some examples of chargeable services are listed below:
We will always treat our work with you as confidential. We request permission to produce case study materials as part of our mission to improve the procurement methodology for software systems in local government. Any such case studies would be subject to customer approval
Please call on 07858 081556 to discuss your specific requirements.